Saturday 12 September 2009

Deo Gratias

His Eminence has heard from the Catholic with Attitude that the diocese of Brentwood has had its second ordination this year after a four year gap. He imparts his blessing and will keep Father Mark in his prayers.

Brentwood Diocese (which covers the East London and Essex area) is of course known for its cathedral built in the 1990s. It was built in a classical style but this was added on to a little neo-gothic church. Not the best example of a classical design but interesting nevertheless. It is featured in Christopher Martin's "A Glimpse of Heaven: Catholic Churches of England and Wales." Naturally, the liturgy in the anglican church next door to the cathedral is far superior.

The other interesting point to note about the diocese is that its boundaries are exactly the same as those of its Church of England counterpart, the diocese of Chelmsford.

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