Wednesday 9 September 2009

Blair really is a most odious man

It takes quite a lot in the modern church for somebody to be excommunicated, or even to be banned from receiving communion. Tony Blair, our former Prime Minister, however, fully deserves it in the mind of His Eminence.

His latest outburst regards the way in which we should view other religions. Any whiff of the idea that we should somehow see other religions as equal is horrific, scandalous and heretical. We should view Judaism with a sense of respect, as St Paul teaches us, and God still has a special place for the Jews in his hearts. Nevertheless, for their conversion to the truth we must pray most ardently.

Protestantism and Islamism are very different. Both really more heresies than religions and both have brought such destruction to this world.

Mr Blair is right about one thing. There is a dark side of religion and it involves savage behaviour, killing thousands of innocents, for political ends.

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