Saturday 12 September 2009

Cardinal hits out at euthanasia supporters

Keith Patrick Cardinal O'Brien, a brother in the college but with a much better nickname (Kick-Ass Keith) has hit out against moves to introduce euthanasia in Scotland. Now that Cardinal Murphy O'Connor has retired to tinkle his ivories for the rest of his life O'Brien is Britain's only active Cardinal. He has taken his new responsibility very seriously.

A campaign under the slogan of "Don't Kill Your Granny" has been launched following concern amongst the Scottish hierarchy about the growing support amongst the population for the moves.

"Don't kill your granny."

He said, "A new battle lies open before us... Every move to legalise assisted suicide and euthanasia in the United Kingdom must be opposed. I know that my own Catholic community is not alone in this forthcoming battle."

Keith Patrick needs our support and prayers.

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