Thursday, 10 September 2009

Underground religion

The Vatican has obviously made substantial cutbacks on luxuries these past few centuries. Whilst His Eminence has fought to maintain his palace (which was yesterday opened up to the public) and your humble scribe in his possession he has had to develop certain ascetic habits. One of these is travelling on the London Underground.

Not as conspicuously as this, however.
For various reasons he dresses in lay-clothing. Stepping onto the train at Bayswater water, however, he was greeted by an elderly man blessing passengers with the sign of the cross. There was no way of telling if he was was lay or a cleric, whether he was conscious of his attempt to bless people or whether he was slightly mad. At any rate, the way in which he made the sign was incorrect.
Is this part of some kind of mission to the souls who ride the underground?

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