Thursday, 10 September 2009

Attacked for speaking the truth

His Eminence believes that the truth was expounded when Senator Wilson of South Carolina accused President Obama of lying to the American public over the proposed changes to the healthcare system. The President has lied time and time again. He has promised to genuinely listen to proposals from the other side of the house but every single proposal, particuarly regarding the state-funded abortion which the proposals would make widespread, has been ignored.

Undoubtedly, the US healthcare needs reform. It is just as ailing, ineffective and wasteful as the UK, but in a different way. A british system is not the answer. But neither should there be people left without basic healthcare provision because of an inability to pay.

The Church has an enormous role to play in this, and in America, it does. Around a third of all hospitals in America are Catholic ones and, unsurprisingly, are the most charitable when it comes to their patients.

The President needs to recognise this, but it is doubtful if he will. He is too arrogant for that.

He needs to be taken on for his lies and his promotion of death and immorality. Will the American bishops have the courage to do this?

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