Thursday 19 November 2009

Faith or Religion?

There is a rather interesting article over at Heresy Corner in their religion section at the moment.

It looks at the way our secular society considers these two words of 'Faith' and 'Religion'. Faith seems inclusive and personal whereas religion seems dogmatic and exclusive, even judgmental.

We may see it in certain kinds of Christians who claim to be a Christian but to not be religious. Again, they associate religion with something that is cold, dogmatic and ritualistic. Of course one can be religious without having faith, but can one really claim to have the Faith if one is part of the religion in which that faith is to be found?

Faith is a personal gift from God but it is also an act of our will, it is giving our assent to something which we hope to understand. It is particular to Christianity, which is why we Catholics are right to of 'inter-religious dialogue' but not of 'inter-faith' activities.

The failure to understand the real nature of Faith and the distinction between Faith and religion is to be lamented.

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