Saturday 21 November 2009

Almighty Answers from the Order of Preachers

An email from a friend came through this morning asking me to advertise an initiative being undertaken by the Catholic chaplaincy in Edinburgh, which is overseen by the Order of Preachers. The following here is still small but I said I'd be happy to do all I can.

The blog, which can be found here, is essentially a question and answer service for students of Edinburgh University. All comments and questions seem to be welcome though.


  1. Having just read your piece on Archbishop Nichols visit to the BAPS Temple I am surprised your recommend this "Almighty Answers" blog.

    Have you not noted its teaching that Catholics and Muslims worship the same God?

  2. Thank you for your comment 'anonymous.'

    Firstly,that I recomment a blog on here does not mean I necessarily agree with all of the content. Although I fail to see how a philosophical recognition of Muslims worshiping the Trinitarian God has anything to do with paying honour to pagan statues.

    Secondly, the blog puts a condition upon the claim that Muslims and Christians worship the same: only insofar as there is only one God. There is not a Muslim and a Christian god. There is but One God in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, consubstantial and coerternal throughout all ages.


Thank you for commenting on my post. As soon as it has been moderated it will appear on the blog. God bless you!