Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Chevetogne Abbey

I've been rather a westerner in both theology and liturgy but the most likely candidate for union in the West, the Anglican Communion, continues down its path to oblivion, we must look East in bringing more of people who claim to confess Christ into the One True Fold.

I've never been to an Eastern liturgy and my experience of it remains the testimony of others. All has been good so far - the most common sentiments being the air of mystery and holiness which of which we have lost in the new latin rite.

Chevetogne Abbey is in Belgium and is dedicated to just such unity. Founded in 1925 by Dom Lambert Beauduin. The Abbey has two churches, one Latin and one Byzantine. The canonical hours are said separately but the monks eat together and are under a single Abbot.

You can have a look at their website here:

Chevetogne Abbey

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